The Dangers of Added Sugars for Your Kidneys

What You Need to Know to Protect Your Kidneys from Kidney Stones

Seth Jhoed Castro
4 min readAug 7, 2023
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Hello, keen readers!

We’re about to go on an eye-opening adventure that could change the way you think about sugars, especially the illusive “added sugars.”

While the effects of added sugars on our waistlines are well known, a new ground-breaking study revealed a striking link between these sugars and the development of kidney stones.

This finding was published in the esteemed journal JAMA Internal Medicine.

Deciphering Kidney Stones

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Kidney stones will serve as our first point of focus. These bothersome, mineral-based structures can be uncomfortable and cause terrible pain.

The primary offender?

The most common sort of kidney stones involves calcium oxalate as a major component. You want to keep these little troublemakers at bay, we assure you.

The Not-So-Sweet Culprits Revealed

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Let’s expose the real villains in this situation, which are added sugars.

These are not the naturally occurring sugars in fruits; rather, they are the crafty sugars hidden in your favorite treats like candy, cakes, pastries, and those irresistibly sweet beverages.

They are potent taste enhancers that have a less desirable impact on the health of your kidneys.

Astounding Revelations from the Study

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Keep your chairs firmly in place because now is the exciting part.

Picture the study’s analysis of more than 28,000 participants.

What manifested?

Be prepared: compared to people who chose moderation, those who gave in to the sugar seduction were shockingly 39% more likely to develop kidney stones.

Let’s now analyze the science. Increased calcium excretion in your urine is sped up by added carbohydrates.

Why is there a catch?

Kidney stones are primarily built using calcium as a component.

Your urine’s likelihood of harboring these unwanted crystalline forms increases with the amount of calcium present.

Spotlight on Vulnerable Groups

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Want to know whether you’re in a high-risk area?

Do a short rundown now.

Pay attention if you’re over 40, have a history of kidney stones in your family, are overweight, or have experienced urinary tract infections.

You fall into the group of somewhat high-risk.

Oh, and let’s not forget the antagonist known as dehydration, which contributes by making your pee a playground for stones.

Empowerment through Prevention

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Enough with the pessimism and gloom; let’s discuss solutions. We’ve got you covered with doable strategies to stay out of the tango with kidney stones:

1. Smart Sugar Choices: Reduce your intake of sugary foods, beverages, and pastries. Your kidneys will cheer in silence.

2. Hydration Heroics: Water is your kidneys’ unsung hero. Drink it as a tonic to keep your urine in balance and prevent the production of stones.

3. Nourishment Nirvana: Consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, and healthy grains while avoiding salt. It’s a win for both kidney satisfaction and general wellness.

4. Embrace Movement: Regular exercise supports kidney health as well as weight maintenance.

Final Musings

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The unsung heroes of your body’s balance are your kidneys.

By heeding the advice to limit added sugars and incorporating a few lifestyle changes, you’re giving these vital organs the support they need to keep you in top shape.

And never hesitate to speak with your valued healthcare ally if you ever have questions regarding your kidney health.

We look forward to the day when kidney stones are a thing of the past!

Stay vibrantly healthy,

Seth Jhoed Castro

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Seth Jhoed Castro

Aspiring AI enthusiast passionate about journalizing. Eager to explore AI's potential in automating tasks for insightful journalism. Let's connect! 🤖📰